Saturday, October 13, 2007

Matador Knitting Manual

On Saturday I went drove to Prairie Knits located in Portage la Prairie, MB, Canada. I went there to pick up The Matador Manual and to speak with Sian Taris. Sian has been helping me track down information pertaining to the unknown knitting machine I picked up about a month ago. The manual does not include my machine but there are similarities between the machines mentioned and mine. Flipping through the pages we came across Pg 9: How to knit on - on the matador. We followed the directions but because my machine differs I am having a little difficult with tensioning of the yarn. This is causing the Latch needles to not return to the working position and retrieve the yarn to make a knit. There is a bar located on the bottom front of the Matador that does something to the tension but still I can not figure it out.

I also picked up some accessories that I was missing from the knitting machine - below images . The first image is a - standard
1 x 2 transfer tool and the second image a - Latch Hook. Few other discoveries are that my machine does not require weights to hold the knit down, needles are 5mm a part, and my machine creates static electricity.

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